
# cd (change directory) to one you want to create this project in.
mkdir html.files;
curl --url /crawler/crawler.txt > crawler.py;
curl --url /crawler/html.files/onload.ready.js > html.files/onload.ready.js ;
curl --url /crawler/html.files/functions.js > html.files/functions.js ;
curl --url /crawler/html.files/global.vars.js > html.files/global.vars.js ;
curl --url /crawler/html.files/utils.js > html.files/utils.js ;
curl --url /crawler/html.files/main.css > html.files/main.css ;
curl --url /crawler/html.files/w3-colors-flat.css > html.files/w3-colors-flat.css ;
curl --url /crawler/simple.server.txt > simple.server.py;

# open two command line tabs.
# in tab 1 do the following:
python3 simple.server.py;
# in tab 2 do the following:
python3 crawler.py;
# in web browser go to http://localhost//crawl.output.html

crawler.txt  [ raw file ]